Tour Leader Graham Engeman has had a diverse background with school teaching, policing, real estate, auctioneering and local government. Graham was President of the well regarded Gympie District Show Society and at one time was Landmark’s Gympie Livestock Manager. He now runs a Brangus Stud, near Gympie with genetics from the USA and Australia. The Engeman family also operate Cattle Breeding Services supplying liquid nitrogen, semen and breeding program services for the Wide Bay and Burnett regions of Queensland. In 2014 Graham and his wife Margaret led the highly successful China and Inner Mongolia Farming Tour; in 2017 the 22-Day Australian Farmers Japan Tour and in 2023 they led the 32-Day Canada Farming Tour & Alaska Cruise. In 2026 Graham and Margaret will be leading the 20-Day Canada Farming Tour with an optional cruise to Alaska.
Tour Leader Don Howard has farmed in Camperdown in the southwest of Victoria for over 40 years. He started a Travel Tower Contracting business and ran that for 16 years in conjunction with his dairy and beef farms that he has recently sold. In his early 40’s he was elected to the Murray Goulburn Co-operative Board of Directors where he spent 16 years as a member representing all Murray Goulburn dairy farmers. Whilst there he led a very successful 28-day farm study tour to the east coast of Canada and the USA. He retired from Murray Goulburn some time ago and since then Don and his wife Kerrie have enjoyed undertaking three Australian Farmers Tours to China & Mongolia as well as Spain, Morocco and Portugal and a 29-day Central European Farming Tour. In 2019 they led the highly acclaimed Australian Farmers Balkan Peninsula Farming Tour to Greece, Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Slovenia and in 2024, when they were both in their very early 60’s, the 26-day Mediterranean Islands of Malta, Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica and Italy. In 2026 Don and Kerrie will be leading the 26-day Turkey and Bulgaria Farming Tour.
Tour Leader Dale Price runs a stud property, Majardah at Glencoe, just west of Mount Gambier where he breeds Poll Dorset and White Suffolk rams and operates a separate 4,000 commercial sheep enterprise while Angus cattle are used for pasture management. Dale and his wife Ruth were tour members of Australian Farmers Tours to South America in 2011, Eastern Europe in 2013 and Japan in 2014. In 2015 and again in 2017 they led two highly successful northern India Farming Tours and in 2018 the 38-day Great Britain & Ireland Farming Tour as well as the inaugural 18-day Sri Lanka Farming tour in 2019. In 2023 Dale and Ruth led the Great Britain & Ireland Farming Tour and in 2024 the 22-day Canada Farming Tour and Alaska Cruise. In 2025 Dale & Ruth Price will be leading both the Japan and Eastern Canada & USA Farming Tours and in 2026 the 24-day Farming Tour of Italy.